Creativity Adda Delhi, September-19

ashish tiwari
5 min readJan 31, 2020

Highlight Of the month

The month of September was a month of half-yearly exams where students were busy in preparation for it. It was the space magic and ownership of the students and curiosity to learn they were coming to adda regularly.

Colorful ADDA

A new outlook of the Adda. It was The Great enjoyment doing The various murals. New signboards and other appealing boards for the entrance are all up and stunning. All the hubs got repainted and decorated again. The credit goes to Shivaika Raghav, Freakala, Utkarsh, Pratika, Rocxy Tarun, facilitators, and students.


Toy Photography

The young brigade of photographers Akash, Rohit (9 class), Mohit ( 7th class), brought few plastic toys and accomplished the photoshoot with fascinating and unbelievable effects. The marvelous pictures are underneath.

Peer To Peer Learning

Mohit(7th class )one of the learners of Media Lab is hooked up to share the art of stop motion animation with others. Some strong motivational posters were designed by Abhishek, class 12th from the Community Lab. It gives immense pleasure when an experiment turns out to be clear and outright.

A Documentary was Shot our Lab Students on Harjas and his family. Harjas is a Homeschooler and is designing his learning with affirmative and thorough support of parents. Creativity Adda is contributing constantly to follow his passion


Shashank Bhardwaj facilitator slow food junior chef was occupied exploring his skills at Udaipur. The internship was at Millets of Mewar where the chief element are the various range of millets.

A pat on the back to the slow food junior chef team who made this abandoned room into a beautiful working space for themselves.

The junior head chef Sajid (10th class) led the team in Shashank’s absence with sufficient zeal to keep everyone active and cooked bagels. Sajid also baked oat cookies with his mates and refined his baking techniques. If you wish to relish some of their tempting oat cookies, you can order too. The team would be more than happy to serve.

Slow food by our chefs

Urban Farm

Our urban had some new beds, our alternative learners were putting much effort and passion into building an urban garden where we are growing various vegetables i.e, Spinach, tomato, chili, basil, sem, etc. to be used by our junior chefs of Slow food junior chefs academy.


This month turned out to be fun with the robot war. The learners participated in tons of energy and ideas for the war. Aman held the first position followed by Harjas and Rehmat.

Repair Cafe!!

All the switchboards and fans were got repaired or replaced by the team of the design studio and maker space at adda. Abhishek is one one of special talent child is coming from the community. he is passionate and willing to do experiments on his own at adda and home. his mother shared that he has developed his kit of tools to do at it day or night. he very enthusiastically learned and changed the switchboards at adda in under the guidance of Maheep our newly joined facilitator at Design studio and maker space.

Dance Hub

We welcomed our new Dance Facilitator, Ashish Thakur this month with lots of enthusiasm. The enriching knowledge of Ashish is a delight for young seekers.

Faizan (11th class), one of the dancers has received an advance learning scholarship from Adda. He is accelerating his dance skills at dance Kabila, Kotla, Mubarakpur, and gangs up with Adda fellows to demonstrate and impart them with new dance moves.

Music Hub

Music Hub members who were busy practicing a variety of new songs across different genres. They include Ek Pal Chain naaAawe, Sajna Tere Bina and more. The music hub was leading by Ishant (11th class) and Ansh during exams. They were practicing for their upcoming show at Rajgaht and other places.

